Geothermal Project in Kosice

Existence of important geothermal water reservoir in Kosice basin in
Eastern Slovakia was found out quite long ago during exploration works
on hydrocarbon deposits. Predicted parameters of geothermal water was
confirmed by three exploration wells drilled in years 1998-99 in the
area of village Svinica. Seismic measurements (2D and 3D seismic) and
hydrodynamic tests were carried out during years 2000 - 2001. Based on
complex geological-tectonic knowledge obtained during this period it can
be stated, that Kosice basin represents one of the most productive and
important geothermal fields in European continent.
otal heat potential
of Kosice basin is 1 200 MWt while practically can be utilized 300 MWt.
Geothermal reservoir lies approximately 12 km east of Kosice. Parameters
of geothermal water are following:
• Water temperature on wellhead 130°C
• Water flow rate 65 l/s
• TDS 30 g/l
• Energy potential of one well ~20 MWt
Geothermal water will deliver its heat to secondary heating water through heat exchangers and consequently will be reinjected back to the ground. Heating water will circulate through 16 km long pipeline leading to Kosice, where it will be used for space heating. Total heat output of the first stage of the project is 100 MWt.

In Kosice, second largest town in Slovakia with population of 260 000,
an extensive district heating system which belongs among largest in
Central Europe is built. Central heat plant for the system is created by
combined heat plant - TEKO. The system delivers heat into approximately
60 000 apartments, annual heat consumption constitutes 4 400 TJ.
Heating water warmed up by geothermal energy will be led into TEKO and
subsequently supplied via a distribution network in the town. Estimated
annual geothermal heat supply is 2 100 GJ which constitutes 48% of
total heat production in TEKO.
Next asset is decrease of dependence on import of primary energy resources (gas and coal) burning of which will be partially replaced by renewable energy resource. Not at last, geothermal energy utilization will lead to lower price of heat for inhabitants of the town.
Currently, land for geothermal stations is purchased, project documentation (layouts) is finished and all required building permits and statements of responsible authorities are issued. Thus, the project is prepared for the implementation and final decision of the investor is expected.