Others projects
Realization of well VSC-1 Velky Slavkov

In the year 2006 realization of geothermal well VSC-1 Velky Slavkov was
carried out. Slovgeoterm prepared geological documentation for
realization, determined final depth of the well, performed analysis of
the drilling fragments, elaborated project of hydrodynamic test and
provided professional supervision of drilling and testing works. In the
next step company proposed submersible pump and other devices for
geothermal water exploitation. Subsequently, company provided assembly
works of the pump. Following pumping test was controlled and supervised
by Slovgeoterm. Final purpose of geothermal water utilization was
not determined yet.
Reconstruction of well PP-1 in Poprad
In the year 2005 company Slovgeoterm proposed, prepared documentation
and supervised reconstruction of geothermal well PP-1 in Poprad, which
has been used for the needs of Aquacity Poprad. Upper section of steel
casing in the lenght of 200 m was after years of operation corroded and
doubts about its state appeared. Therefore, after consideration of more
options, it was decided to insert new casing. Fiber glass casing tubes
with tailored stainless steel joints were used. Reconstruction was
successful and the well is further reliably used for exploitation of
geothermal water, which can be experienced by visiting of Aquacity.

Realization of hydrodynamic test on well HGL-3 Lucky

In the year 2004 Slovgeoterm realized hydrodynamic test on well HGL-3
Lucky, which was drilled in 1997 and subsequently was conserved. Samples
of water were taken and chemical and microbiological analyses were
done. The test was done in order to proclaim the well to be curative
natural resource which will be used for the thermal spa in
Lucky. Implementation documentation of a pumping station and supply
pipeline leading to the spa is currently in progress.
Realization of production test on well C-1 in Velky Meder
In 2004 company Slovgeoterm proposed, prepared and realized in
cooperation with the thermal spa production test of well C-1 in Velky
Meder. The purpose of the test was to verify production capacity (flow
rate) of the well, which is in the long term utilized for the needs of
the adjacent thermal spa. Measured data were processed and final report
with evaluation of the test results was elaborated. Nowadays, well C-1
is further reliably used for geothermal heat supply for space heating
and hot tap water preparetion in the spa.